Friday, September 29, 2006

Elephant in Sausalito

This is one of the 2 elephant sculptures at the fountain near the ferry landing in the touristy downtown. The slick mole sketchbook paper beads a little with the watercolor. I tried to do many of these quick simple watercolors, but the afternoon flew by and I feel like I hardly saw anything.

The palm tree in Sausalito

Another quick watercolor sketch from Sept. 23 in Sausalito. This is the fountain in downtown. Thank goodness I am sketching since there were about 20 artists sitting around the fountain and it would have been a pain to photoshop them all out of a photo.

Sketchcrawl 11 - My First sketch

Here are some of my pictures from the sketch crawl (#11) in the Bay Area. This is the first one, in my new moleskine, while we waited at the Peets at the Ferry building. That's John sketching the jazz clarinetist. I can't wait to see many of the other drawings of the clarinetist. Apparently 88 of us showed up to invade Sausalito. It was amazing and overwhelming. Go to for more info about the worldwide crawling we all do!

Temple of Heaven by Tommy Kane

Originally uploaded by Tommykane.
Another artist I found on Flickr, Tommy is amazing. Here is one of his ink sketches from a trip to Beijing. I wish I had taken the time to sketch when I was there - but we were on a tour. I'll be watching for everything Tommy posts; they all have so much personality.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Sketch Crawl 11 - Sausalito by Habihana

Originally uploaded by habihanna.
Here is a drawing of me an Louie done during our sketch crawl last saturday. I didn't meet this artist ( i don't think) but when I logged on to see which artist had posted the first picture I saw was one with Louie (when Ladi and Louie me me at the park in the late afternoon). That's me, with hat on, leaning against the bottom of the tree.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Sketch Crawl Alcatraz - by John

Originally uploaded by John Juan the DigitalDisciple.
This is a set of John's photos (on Flickr) from last year's sketch crawl through Alcatraz. I wasn't there last year, but tomorrow is another one in which I plan to participate. We will start at the Ferry building in San Fran, hop the ferry to Sausalito, sketching along the way. I am sure I will meet some new cool artists in the Bay Area. I am looking forward to it. I'll post my sketches about this trip later!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

kathe look alike portrait

xxx167 kathe
Originally uploaded by rudisillart.

This model is a regular at my weekly drawing group. she has a very unusual face structure. after I finished, I realized that she reminded me of Kathe Kollwitz. Currently my "third most favorited" drawing on Flickr.

Ink drawing with ink washes on Sennelier paper.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

View of my Parents' Back Door by Patrick King

Another fabulous artist, patrick king, lives in Philly and is a master of watercolor and oil. I also love his drawings and value studies. check out his flickr images and his website

Sunday, September 17, 2006

My images: current favorites

Here's a cool widget that reports on which of my images are currently "most interesting" according to flickr. You can click on parts of this banner and go right to my images on my Flickr page. rudisillart. Get yours at

Friday, September 15, 2006

Sick at Thanksgiving

sick at Thanksgiving
Originally uploaded by rudisillart.
This drawing is my third most "favorited" on flickr. I am somewhat surprised because of it's title. On the other hand it is probably a universal subject. I like it, especially as a portrait of Fran, but I have no idea why others are attracted to it.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

"Secrets we keep" sketch by Boise Artist

Secrets we keep_sketch
Originally uploaded by rightside_lcj.
I was really struck by this sketch from an Idaho artist that I found on flickr. There is also an encaustic painting from this sketch. I was amazed at how much I commented on her various works and how they touched me personally. Make sure you don't just click through to this one picture. Visit her "Art set" and watch her "slide show" at this link.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Up Yours Uncle Sam by Laurie

Up Yours Uncle Sam
Originally uploaded by •Laurie•.
Another good photo from Laurie - next year I want to go to Paul Bunyan day in Mendocino! (Click image for more)

Shriner Randy by Laurie

Shriner Randy
Originally uploaded by •Laurie•.
Laurie (artist and photographer) lives in Mendocino. All her photos are great. I "met" her on Flickr and I hope that the next time we visit there, I will get to meet her face-to-face.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Libreria Piccolomini

Libreria Piccolomini
Originally uploaded by smiling_da_vinci.
The Siena cathedral was amazing when we visited in 2001.This dutch photographer has a wonderful set of siena images on Flickr - much better than mine.

wolfe by Matthias

Originally uploaded by adolfssonmattias.
Another cool artist - this one from Sweden. Check him out by clicking on the image or going to his blog at I chose this image because I like its energy although he has many pieces that are amazingly detailed architectural scenes.

Amsterdam Dulac - by Danny Gregory

Originally uploaded by DannyGregory.
Danny lives in NYC and I found his work on Flickr. His journals and sketchbooks inspire and humble me. Let's not waste time out there! there is so much to see and do.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Sketch Crawl San Francisco

Originally uploaded by ecasarosa.

I am so excited that there will be another in San Francisco on Sept 23. The group is trying to decide if it's Sausalito or not.

No matter where you are you can participate in International SketchCrawl

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Ladi couch potato

couch potato
Originally uploaded by rudisillart.
Another of my ink drawings. This one is currently the second most popular on Flickr. I remember so well the night I drew it. I sat on the sofa, frustrated at bad TV and nothing to draw - so I turned my pen on Ladi. This is the best of my "Ladi watching TV " drawings (but let's not forget the oil portrait of her watching TV) Click image for larger picture with more detail and a link to the oil portrait I used a brush pen for this and I love the way it almost looks like a woodcut.

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Originally uploaded by Wally Torta.
this guy is inspiring again. someday I might be able to keep up with him

Monday, September 04, 2006

Dinner in Singapore by Taga Cebu

Originally uploaded by taga_cebu.
Another artist I found on Flickr. I am also fascinated by the Artists without Borders Group on Flickr and wondering what we can do to make the world better - now that we have all found each other on Flickr.

Southwest airlines madonna

Originally uploaded by rudisillart.
So far this is the most popular image I have on flickr. I am somewhat surprised. I guess it is very universal. I love drawing people on planes. Sometimes it starts a conversation, sometimes it just passes the time for me. This is an ink drawing which I photoshopped to add the shading.

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Merav in Skirt

Originally uploaded by rudisillart.
this is one of my favorite drawings that I have posted to flicker. however, it doesn't get viewed as often as a similar one (of another model in a skirt). I have been thinking about it and I think the primary differnce is that in this one you can not see her breasts. this is an ink wash drawing on gray Fabriano Ingres paper with white pastel highlights

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mackaydesign I found Craig Mackay through Flickr. Interesting artist and designer out of Los Angeles.

Sticky Sketches Group Gallery

Sticky Sketches Group Gallery

Here's another fun artist blog - all art drawn on stickies!

Artist - by Wally

Originally uploaded by Wally Torta.
A flickr artist who lives in Norfolk VA. He is a riot! commenting on daily life.

dream trash 1 by Plastique Monkey

dream trash 1
Originally uploaded by plastique monkey.
Another interesting artist from Saskatoon, Canada (found on Flickr)

Four Silhouette Nudes - by r8r

Four Silhouette Nudes
Originally uploaded by r8r.
another artist from Flickr. He's a pro and lives in Oregon. he has an amazing array of styles and is so good!

safe by Irisz Aqocs

Originally uploaded by irisz agocs.
Another artist I found on Flickr. She is from Budapest, Hungary and her illustrations are beyond adorable. check her out.

NM sunset by Pedroncelli

NM sunset
Originally uploaded by Mike Pedroncelli.
I found this ABQ photog on Flickr. Mike's photos make me homesick. Thank goodness I get to "look in" every once in a while

Louie on Silk

Originally uploaded by dianesanfran.
What a golden boy, eh? who can resist his charms? not me.

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are we tomorrow ? by Bobi

are we tomorrow ?
Originally uploaded by (bobi & bobi).
I love this French illustrator too. check her drawings out on Flickr.