Thursday, November 23, 2006
This is one of a series of plein air paintings of trees I did, one each day for a week. 9x12 oil on board. This will be posted to ebay soon.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Joe's Lemon - oil still life
When I started selling paintings on eBay in 2001, not many artists were doing it. I am so glad to see that the "Painting a Day" effort has become more known. This painting sold to a hotel/spa in Rehoboth Delaware. I have now sold to collectors all over the USA and in Europe as well. (9x12 oil painting)
Saturday, November 18, 2006
stephen listens in meeting
I have a new boss and I can't draw in meetings like this any more. I actually read a psych study that doodling in meetings actually helps people to concentrate and remember more. now I will have to sit like stephen, with chin in hand, and pretend to be focused.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Brandon at 15
I used to paint portraits for a living, but my style is not as traditional as many people who want a portrait would like. I prefer portraits in the Lucien Freud school (although I can't say that this is close) I think of this painting as more of a sketch or study, since it was done so quickly in one Saturday afternoon. It's acrylic (for the expediency of the moment in quickly setting up to "capture" a teenager). Still, I love portraits and still take commissions if the patron doesn't try to restrict my style.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Bates House
This is also a painting that made my heart soar. I painted it not long after taking a workshop with Camille Przewodek in Sonoma. After years of computer art, I felt I was finally getting my "legs" again with oils. The light and the colors were really speaking to me; I was ignoring things that really didn't matter rather than letting them distract me.
Here's a link to camille's site: she is not only an amazing plein air artist but a great teacher. Here's one of her paintings on her website.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
yangtze junk sunrise
it's thrilling to remember our trip to China. I have been going through all the photos. It was so much fun to photograph it all - bring back memories of my "pro" days but without the time pressures. this shot was very early in the morning. I could hardly sleep because I wanted to make sure I didnt miss anything. I remember this morning like it was yesterday.