Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Lee_Roy - More Doodles!

char26 - More Doodles!
Originally uploaded by artandstory.
here's another artist I have discovered on Flickr - and I am agog. He is a story artist in Los Angeles. Great work. Love his landscape sketchs too.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Matthew profile

Originally uploaded by rudisillart.
This is a portrait sketch which has been colorized in photoshop (also one of the most favorited on my Flickr site). I like to do photoshop color studies before the painting. It's a fun way to play without committing to the paint. I think it is interesting when people hide under their hats or clothes.

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Saturday, March 24, 2007

rudisill book cover concept

Originally uploaded by marc_taro.
Marc Taro, a Flickr Friend, did this wonderful draft of a cover for my new book of drawings. I plan to be at APE in April at Comic-con. isn't this great! Marc has a lot of great drawings on his Flickr site. check them out by clicking on the link to this image.

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Thursday, March 22, 2007

Three makes a meeting

meeting group
Originally uploaded by rudisillart.
this is one of my favorite meeting sketches. I am currently trying to decide what goes into my book for the Comic-con in San Francisco in April. This is defintely one of them

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Friday, March 16, 2007

Morning ops meeting

sk061c ops meeting
Originally uploaded by rudisillart.

this is one of my favorite little meeting sketches. Ultimately it will become a painting (in my "The Meeting" series). the people in these 20 minute meetings were an eclectic group but for a short time in the mornings we checked-in about the new issues and shared a couple laughs. the guy in the hood seemed to be perpetually "waking up". I hope the final painting will capture the crisp simplicity of this drawing and convey all the feelings of each participant.

See my "The Meeting" set of drawings on Flickr

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Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Mo on the Edge of His Seat

mo listens
Originally uploaded by rudisillart.
This started off as a small sketch that kept lingering in my mind. I love the way Mo was sitting, so eagerly, listening during a meeting. I can rarely verbalize what I want to do when I start to make a drawing into a painting. I start with the feelings first and for me that was the color. After a while of playing with it, I realized that Mo was really like the sphinx, on the desert, being sandblasted by the meeting. That's when I accentuated the textures and "wind" and the force of the group that Mo sits on the edge of.